Intermediate and long term objectives in nanotechnology


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Table of Contents

Intermediate and long term objectives in nanotechnology

Overview of the development of molecular nanotechnology

The abstract goal

Two essential concepts

Complexity of self replicating systems

A proposal for a molecular positional device

Drexler's assembler

Something a bit simpler: the hydrocarbon assembler

Major subsystems in a simple assembler floating in solution

The value of a goal: we can work backwards from it (or: it’s hard to build something if you don’t know what it looks like)

The focus today: self replication and molecular tools

A hydrogen abstraction tool

Some other molecular tools

Thermal noise, a classical equation: s2 = kT/ks


A simple binding site for butadiyne

These molecular tools should be able to synthesize a remarkably wide range of stiff hydrocarbons.


Positioning and initially bonding to a molecule

The first bonds to butadiyne

The first bonds to butadiyne

Creating two hydrogen abstraction tools

Creating two hydrogen abstractions tools

Refreshing a hydrogen abstraction tool

Refreshing a hydrogen abstraction tool

Separating two hydrogen abstraction tools that are bonded together

Separating two hydrogen abstraction tools that are bonded together

Radicals weaker than the hydrogen abstraction tool can be created by abstracting a hydrogen from the appropriate precursor

We can dispose of excess hydrogen by making hydrogen rich structures

Extending a hydrogen abstraction tool

Extending a hydrogen abstraction tool

Transferring a dimer from a polyyne to a cumulene (the kind of reaction needed to refresh the carbene tool)

Transferring a dimer from a polyyne to a cumulene

Parts closure

Overview of the development of molecular nanotechnology

The design and modeling of a simple assembler could be done with existing capabilities. This would:

Author: Ralph C. Merkle


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