Prospects in Nanotechnology: Toward Molecular Manufacturing
Prospects in Nanotechnology: Toward Molecular Manufacturing,
edited by
Markus Krummenacker and
James Lewis
(Wiley, 1995, ISBN 0-471-30914-1.
Ordering information is available from Foresight).
From the Table of Contents:
- Foreword
- 1 Introduction to Nanotechnology
by K. Eric Drexler
- 2 Design-Ahead for Nanotechnology
by Ralph C. Merkle
- 3 Designing Molecular Components
by Ted Kaehler
- 4 Biotechnology as an Enabling Technology
by Martin Edelstein
- 5 Modeling and Remodeling Molecules
by Michael Pique
- 6 Paths to Nanotechnology
by Howard Landman
- 7 Today's New Materials: Atomic Control in One Dimension
by Michael Kelly
- 8 Diamond Growth: Today and Tomorrow
by Michael Pinneo
- 9 Nanotechnology: Evolution of the Concept
by Christine L. Peterson
- 10 Virtual Molecular Reality
by Marvin Minsky
- 11 Molecular Manufacturing as a Path to Space
by K. Eric Drexler
- 12 Nanotechnology Research and Development Sponsorship
by Neil Jacobstein
- 13 Nanotechnology in Japan
by Charles Sweet
- 14 The Politics of Technology in the United States:
The Background for the Coming Era of Nanotechnology Politics
by James C. Bennett
- 15 Nanotech: A Venture Perspective
by John Doerr
- 16 The Open Society and its Media
by Mark S. Miller
ISBN 0-471-30914-1, $49.95 (hard cover).
page is part of the
nanotechnology web site.