Nanosystems: molecular machinery, manufacturing, and computation
by K. Eric Drexler (576 pp., 200+ illustrations. Wiley
Interscience, 1992, hardcover or paperback).
Several chapters of Nanosystems are available on line.
Click here for more information on nanotechnology.
- "The most talked about technical book of the year."
Bob Schwbach, United Press International.
- "With this book, Drexler has established the field of molecular
nanotechnology. The detailed analyses show quantum chemists and
synthetic chemists how to build upon their knowledge of bonds and
molecules to develop the manufacturing systems of nanotechnlogy, and
show physicists and engineers how to scale down their concepts of
macroscopic systems to the level of molecules."
William A. Goddard III,
Professor of Chemistry and Applied Physics,
Director Materials and Molecular Simulation Center,
California Institute of Technology.
- "Devices enormously smaller than before will remodel engineering,
chemistry, medicine, and computer technology. How can we understand
machines that are so small? Nanosystems covers it all: power
and strength, friction and wear, thermal noise and quantum uncertainty.
This is the book for starting the next century of engineering."
Marvin Minsky, Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
Toshiba Professor of Media Arts and Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of
- "What the computer revolution did for manipulating data, the
nanotechnology revolution will do for manipulating matter, juggling
atoms like bits. This multidisciplinary synthesis opens the door
to the new field of molecular manufacturing."
Ralph C. Merkle,
Member of Research Staff, Computational Nanotechnology
Project, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center.
- "This work provides the scientific and technological foundations for
the emerging field of molecular systems engineering... It is essential
for anyone contemplating research in this area...a milestone in the
develpment of the technologies that will underpin the final industrial
John Walker, Cofounder of Autodesk, Inc.
- "It is a scholarly examination of how this technology works, a
reference book for the crafters of the future."
- "Demonstrates not only that nanotechnology is achievable, but
shows how it will happen....takes readers from the fundamental
physical principles to advanced designs for molecular components
and systems."
Japan Times.
- Best Computer Science Book of 1992,
Association of American Publishers.
- Over 10,000 copies in print.
Nanosystems was reviewed by James B. Lewis in
The Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS)
Vol. 115, No. 24, December 1993,
pages 11657-11658:
The goal of Drexler's investigations is "building complex structures with
atom-by-atom control", which is also the ultimate goal of synthetic chemistry.
Drexler's approach is distinguished from conventional chemistry in that complex
structures are to be made by using programmable "nanoscale mechanical systems
to guide the placement of reactive molecules" to about 0.1-nm precision.
The objective of the book is to present a theoretical foundation for "molecular
manufacturing", which Drexler also calls "molecular nanotechnology". The
objective is not to present a detailed review of recent experimental
progress in the many disciplines that converge on what is being increasingly
termed "nanotechnology".
Several alternative pathways from current technology to molecular manufacturing
are considered, at least briefly, guiding chemists and others toward a plethora
of interesting problems to pursue.
The review by William H. MacIntosh in
Computing Reviews, May 1993, Vol 34 No 5, page 227:
In this volume, Drexler presents the technical analysis of molecular
machinery and manufacturing....It will probably see use in graduate
studies and as a reference work for many years.
Some quotes from the preface of Nanosystems:
Manufactured products are made from atoms, and their properties depend
on how those atoms are arranged. This volume summarizes 15 years of
research in molecular manufacturing, the use of nanoscale mechanical
systems to guide the placement of reactive molecules, building complex
structures with atom-by-atom control. This degree of control is a
natural goal for technology: Microtechnology strives to build smaller
devices; materials science strives to make more useful solids; chemistry
strives to synthesize more complex molecules; manufacturing strives
to make better products. Each of these fields requires precise,
molecular control of complex structures to reach its natural limit,
a goal that has been termed molecular nanotechnology.
It has become clear that this degree of control can be achieved. The
present volume assembles the conceptual and analytical tools needed
to understand molecular machinery and manufacturing, presents an
analysis of their core capabilities and explores how present laboratory
techniques can be extended, stage by stage, to implement molecular
manufacturing systems.
From the table of contents:
1. Introduction and Overview
- 1.1 Why molecular manufacturing?
- 1.2 What is molecular manufacturing?
- 1.3 Comparisons
- 1.4 The approach in this volume
- 1.5 Objectives of following chapters
Part I
2. Classical Magnitudes and Scaling Laws
- 2.1 Overview
- 2.2 Approximation and classical continuum models
- 2.3 Scaling of classical mechanical systems
- 2.4 Scaling of electromagnetic systems
- 2.5 Scaling of classical thermal systems
- 2.6 Beyond classical continuum models
- 2.7 Conclusions
3. Potential Energy Surfaces
- 3.1 Overview
- 3.2 Quantum theory and approximations
- 3.3 Molecular Mechanics
- 3.4 Potentials for chemical reactions
- 3.5 Continuum representations of surfaces
- 3.6 Conclusions
- 3.7 Further readings
4. Molecular Dynamics
- 4.1 Overview
- 4.2 Nonstatistical mechanics
- 4.3 Statistical mechanics
- 4.4 PES revisited: accuracy requirements
- 4.5 Conclusions
- 4.6 Further Reading
5. Positional Uncertainty
- 5.1 Overview
- 5.2 Positional uncertainty in engineering
- 5.3 Thermally excited harmonic oscillators
- 5.4 Elastic extension of thermally excited rods
- 5.5 Elastic bending of thermally excited rods
- 5.6 Piston displacement in a gas-filled cylinder
- 5.7 Longitudinal variance from transverse deformation
- 5.8 Elasticity, entropy, and vibrational modes
- 5.9 Conclusions
6. Transistions, Errors, and Damage
- 6.1 Overview
- 6.2 Transitions between potential wells
- 6.3 Placement errors
- 6.4 Thermomechanical damage
- 6.5 Photochemical damage
- 6.6 Radiation damage
- 6.7 Component and system lifetimes
- 6.8 Conclusions
7. Energy Dissipation
- 7.1 Overview
- 7.2 Radiation from forced oscillations
- 7.3 Phonons and phonon scattering
- 7.4 Thermoelastic damping and phonon viscosity
- 7.5 Compression of potential wells
- 7.6 Transitions among time-dependent wells
- 7.7 Conclusions
8. Mechanosynthesis
- 8.1 Overview
- 8.2 Perspectives on solution-phase organic synthesis
- 8.3 Solution-phase synthesis and mechanosynthesis
- 8.4 Reactive species
- 8.5 Forcible mechanochemical processes
- 8.6 Mechanosynthesis of diamondoid structures
- 8.7 Conclusions
Part II
9. Nanoscale Structural Components
- 9.1 Overview
- 9.2 Components in context
- 9.3 Materials and models for nanoscale components
- 9.4 Surface effects on component properties
- 9.5 Shape control in irregular structures
- 9.6 Components of high rotational symmetry
- 9.7 Adhesive interfaces
- 9.8 Conclusions
10. Mobile Interfaces and Moving Parts
- 10.1 Overview
- 10.2 Spatial Fourier transforms of nonbonded potentials
- 10.3 Sliding of irregular objects over regular surfaces
- 10.4 Symmetrical sleeve bearings
- 10.5 Further applications of sliding-interface bearings
- 10.6 Atomic-axle bearings
- 10.7 Gears, rollers, belts, and cams
- 10.8 Barriers in extended systems
- 10.9 Dampers, detents, clutches, and ratchets
- 10.10 Perspective: nanomachines and macromachines
- 10.11 Bounded continuum models revisited
- 10.12 Conclusions
11. Intermediate Subsystems
- 11.1 Overview
- 11.2 Mechanical measurment devices
- 11.3 Stiff, high gear-ratio mechanisms
- 11.4 Fluids, seals, and pumps
- 11.5 Convective cooling systems
- 11.6 Electromechanical devices
- 11.7 DC motors and generators
- 11.8 Conclusions
12. Nanomechanical Computational Systems
- 12.1 Overview
- 12.2 Digital signal transmission with mechanical rods
- 12.3 Gates and logic rods
- 12.4 Registers
- 12.5 Combinational logic and finite-state machines
- 12.6 Survey of other devices and subsystems
- 12.7 CPU-scale systems: clocking and power supply
- 12.8 Cooling and computational capacity
- 12.9 Conclusion
13. Molecular Sorting, Processing, and Assembly
- 13.1 Overview
- 13.2 Sorting and ordering molecules
- 13.3 Transformation and assembly with molecular mills
- 13.4 Assembly operations using molecular manipulators
- 13.5 Conclusions
14. Molecular Manufacturing Systems
- 14.1 Overview
- 14.2 Assembly operations at intermediate scales
- 14.3 Architectural issues
- 14.4 An examplar manufacturing-system architecture
- 14.5 Comparisons to conventional manufacturing
- 14.6 Design and complexity
- 14.7 Conclusions
Part III
15. Macromolecular Engineering
- 15.1 Overview
- 15.2 Macromolecular objects via biotechnology
- 15.3 Macromolecular objects via solution synthesis
- 15.4 Macromolecular objects via mechanosynthesis
- 15.5 Conclusions
16. Paths to Molecular Manufacturing
- 16.1 Overview
- 16.2 Backward chaining to identify strategies
- 16.3 Smaller, simpler systems (stages 3-4)
- 16.4 Softer, smaller, solution-phase systems (stages 2-3)
- 16.5 Development time: some considerations
- 16.6 Conclusions
Appendix A. Methodological Issues in Theoretical and Applied Science
- A.1 The role of theoretical applied science
- A.2 Basic issues
- A.3 Science, engineering, and theoretical applied science
- A.4 Issues in theoretical applied science
- A.5 A sketch of some epistemological issues
- A.6 Theoretical applied science as intellectual scaffolding
- A.7 Conclusions
Appendix B. Related Research
- B.1 Overview
- B.2 How related fields have been divided
- B.3 Mechanical engineering and microtechnology
- B.4 Chemistry
- B.5 Molecular biology
- B.6 Protein engineering
- B.7 Proximal probe technologies
- B.8
Feynman's 1959 talk
- B.9 Conclusions
Symbols, Units, and Constants
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